I recently updated my VS Code extension to support some dynamic snippets. I had this idea floating around in my head for several weeks, but I hadn’t had much extra time to take a stab at things. This is a brief account of that.
What’s Redux Anyway?
My team at iModules has been using React for a while now, somewhere around 12-18 months. The team started using React with Flux, which, while useful, came with a whole set of issues and made it incredibly confusing to get up-and-running for new team members. We tend to swap members between teams about once a quarter, which necessitates paradigms that are relatively easy to pick up and very efficient once learnt.
React Redux ES6 Snippets for VS Code
Visual Studio Code is designed to be incredibly extensible, and Microsoft has provided some great tooling for getting started with developing extensions. I’ve been wanting some snippets for React-Redux development that use the ES6 arrow function syntax, so I decided to build out a little VS Code extension so I could have them both at home and at work.
Pardon my dust
I’m getting things set up, so please pardon my dust.